The Magic of a Meltdown
Life has its ups and downs, but the majority of the time I strive to maintain a positive outlook and am typically in good spirits. That is not to say I do not have things that I complain about, or stress over, but I certainly am not depressed or downtrodden most days. Sometimes, however, a good old-fashioned epic meltdown is just what the doctor ordered! Whether it be the accumulation of small stressors building up over time, or a particularly overwhelming circumstance that tips the scale, a giant emotional release can be very cleansing.
The other day I was merely moving through life, and then stumbled upon something rather offensive online. I was disgusted and disturbed, but felt like I did not let it affect me personally. The next day everything hit rather close to home. Although I expressed frustration over people wanting to experience some of the issues I struggle with on a daily basis, I remained emotionally detached until a tiny little comment about the change in my plans, due to extra difficulties that specific day, sent me over the edge. I was an emotional train wreck!
I have seen a profoundly positive impact by allowing myself to have a true and epic meltdown from time to time.
I cried, raged, completely lost my appetite for a large portion of the day, and in all honesty, carried on for several hours. Thank heavens my nurse that day is also a dear friend and listened to my overly long rant, dried my tears, and most importantly, offered loving affection. At the end of the day, I had let out an abundance of emotion, not just regarding the series of events — which isolated from one another would have never caused any consternation — but I was also able to release the tension of day-to-day life that gradually accumulates.
I will be the first to admit that my methods of dealing with life, struggles, and emotions are rather unconventional, but I have seen a profoundly positive impact by allowing myself to have a true and epic meltdown from time to time. It can be difficult to physically release emotions and anger when one is unable to control and use very little of one's body. I am fortunate that I can find some of that release in my bike rides (to learn more read "I Want to Ride My Bicycle, I Want to Ride My Biiiiiiiiike") and through them push myself to physical exhaustion. On the other hand, there are at times still an abundance of emotions that need to be let out in some way. A good old-fashioned cry is great, and when that is not quite enough, a more drawn-out meltdown can be cathartic.
There are many things in life that I strive to let roll off my shoulders each day, but over time there is an amassing of traces of these sources of stress which build, and occasionally need to find a way to be excised. By allowing myself to be fully emotional, vent my anger and frustrations, I am able to prevent all of the stockpiled emotions that could slowly corrode my spirit from overriding my generally positive day-to-day attitude. For me, periodically allowing myself to decompress in a very dramatic fashion allows me to remain more steadfast on a day-to-day basis. Although this method may be a bit intense for some people, it definitely works for me in my life, which has its fair share of stress, trauma, and less than ideal circumstances. After taking advantage of a cleansing meltdown to wash all the stress I am holding onto out of my body, I plaster a smile on my face and once again, exude my typical good spirits.