Tribute to My Family
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton
Many people are impressed with the successful life I am living despite my difficult circumstances. It is not in my nature to roll over and give up, or give in, just because I have unique challenges that make ordinary activities of daily living more difficult. Furthermore, regardless of the new obstacles that accompany my spinal cord injury, I still believe it is important for me to be a productive member of society. Therefore, with strength of will and mental fortitude, I strive to complete ordinary everyday tasks, have managed to earn two degrees, contribute to the development of new technologies in ventilation, and participate in multiple volunteering endeavors. While I appreciate all of the positive feedback and encouragement I receive, I feel it is important to give acknowledgment to the people that truly make it possible for me to succeed in life—my family.
We all must rely on those around us in order to reach the pinnacle of our lives.
Everything starts with my mother; she has made many sacrifices in her life to provide me with a productive and fulfilling life. My mother often had to serve as night nurse, day nurse, driver, and school notetaker during my academic career. While we have now built a great staff to care for me, at the heart of my care has always been my parents, particularly my mother. She trains all of our nursing staff to ensure that everyone takes excellent care of me, paying particular attention to the small details which are important to ensuring that I do not suffer from unnecessary complications.
My father actively participates in my care, doing things that many dads just would not attempt. Rather than leaving all of the difficult and dirty work for my mom and nursing staff, he jumps right in getting his hands dirty while offering a silly joke to lighten the mood. He has always been a very involved and engaging parent; I knew growing up that I had an unusual and special dad. That fact became truly apparent when he did not bat an eye at having to revert to attending to my every need as if I was an infant once again.
Then there is my sister, Soley, who is a nurse and very active in my care, not to mention my best friend and closest confidant. I will not be so bold as to claim she went to nursing school solely because of me; however, nor will I be so naïve as to ignore the fact that I played a major role in shaping that decision. Many of her decisions, which now also impact her husband and children, are made with consideration as to how they might affect her ability to continue to be a key player in my daily life and care. Though I am not the sole factor, the fact that I am important enough to impact major life decisions is extremely humbling.
Finally, there is my youngest sister, Helga. She helps me on a day-to-day basis with simple things like sitting close by to give me fluids, fix my feet after spasms, turn on the lights, and adjust the ambient temperature. This dedicated attentiveness helps ease a lot of back-and-forth from other parts of the house for my parents, while keeping me comfortable and well hydrated. Though we are typically working on independent projects and activities, having somebody close by in companionable working silence creates a very peaceful environment in my living space. Helga's generous attention truly contributes enormously to my quality of life on a daily basis.
While I have focused on my immediate family members, they could not meet the demands of my extensive needs without the support of our extended family and friends. No man is an island; none of us can succeed on our own. We all must rely on those around us in order to reach the pinnacle of our lives.
Thank you Mamma, Pabbi, Soley, and Helga: you are my most dedicated caregivers, closest friends, and beloved family. You are the giants whose shoulders I stand upon in order to see further.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ lovely tribute to your beloved family. 🥰
Loa, loved hearing about your elite team. All involved are very blessed. That picture is so cute. Your mom never ages. “Lookin good Bonnie. “